Hempel's Prop Primer is best used as a primer for antifouling on propellers, outboard engines, drive units and small patches on yachts. The primer is easy to apply and dries quickly. Two coats of the spray are recommended, and you can find out how to apply the primer in the FAQ's section down below. When application is complete, the primer will show a good flat finish.
We've written up a few frequently asked questions that are asked in store for a little extra guidance.
How can Hempel Mille Prop Primer be applied?
Application is via spray can. Before applying, shake the can vigorously in a vertical position until the agitator ball is heard, then carry on shaking for a further two minutes. Stand 20-30cm back from the surface you are spraying and continue to shake the can occasionally during use. A minimum of two coats are recommended.
How long should I wait in-between coats when applying Hempel Mille Prop Primer?
When applied at 20C - One hour, at 10C - two hours.
How long does Mille Prop Primer take to become touch dry?
At 20C, 20 minutes. At 10C, 40 minutes. Drying times double at a drop of 10C and half at a rise of 10C.
What's Hempel Mille Prop's coverage?
1.75 metres from a 500ml can.
At what temperature can Hempel Mille Prop be applied?
It is recommended that the substance is applied at a minimum temperature of 5C.
Other Notes:
Flat finish.
Useful Links:
Hempel Antifoul Guide.
Hempel Mille Prop Primer Product Data Sheet.