Imray's latest C35 charts have been updated throughout, with coloured flight flashes now included. Furthermore, updated depth surveys have bee included where applicable and the harbour plans of L'Aber-Illdut and Argenton are now drawn at a scale of 1:25 000. The plan showing the approaches to Roscoff has been extended east to include better approach coverage to Bloscon marina.
Areas covered include the North-west coast of Brittany from the Baie de Morlaix to L'Aberildut - scale 1:76,600. Oner-minute gridlines. Larger scale plans of Ile de Batz, Approaches to L'Aberbrac'h and L'Aberbenoit, Argenton, Pontsuval, Mogueriec, Port Sall, L'Aberildut. Supplied in a waterproof, folded plastic wallet.
Printed and corrected to February 2021.
Sheet Size: 787 x 1118mm.
- Margin:
- 35-40